Why a Family Justice Center?

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Why a Family Justice Center

Why a Family Justice Center? Flyer describes the victim overwhelm that led to the founding of FJCs. Three images show overwhelmed people and a graphic with many colors and shapes illustrates A Fractured System.
“The Story of Rachel” shows some of the difficulties survivors experience when navigating multiple support systems on their own. Our thanks to the Rose Brooks Center in Minneapolis, MN for creating and sharing this video.

When survivors seeks services for domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse, or human trafficking, they are often bombarded with referrals to many resources in different places depending on their needs: food, shelter, medical treatment, counseling, legal services, law enforcement, employment support, etc. In Solano County, one survivor may need to visit over 22 locations for services! Added to the stress of multiple appointments, consider recent physical and mental trauma, the need to retell that trauma again and again, and the likelihood of young children in tow and no car. For survivors with limited resources, the challenge of accessing dispersed services can be a huge barrier to leaving abusive situations.

Family Justice Centers: through one door for violence-free futures

Enter the Family Justice Center (FJC). The FJC model is a one-stop, collaborative center that coordinates services for victims of violence. Goals include improving survivors’ safety and reducing domestic violence homicide rates, as well as increasing community support for survivors, and boosting service efficiency. Survivors enter through a single door and connect with a trained Navigator, who builds a relationship of trust with the client, helping them make a safety plan and set long-term goals. Navigators connect their FJC clients with a range of resources, including legal services, law enforcement, mental and physical health care, employment training, and basic needs. Many of these services are accessible onsite—under one roof.

Images of happy families surround a Family Justice Center wheel of needs divided into quadrants for Health, Education & Training, Community and Wealth, showing all the ways a FJC works with partners to meet survivors' needs.

Family Justice Centers also offer in-house programs for survivors and families, such as counseling, Project Connect and VOICES (survivor support groups), movement, cooking or art classes, onsite care for children, and summer camps. In Solano, the Family Justice Center also hosts a new Supervised Visitation and Exchange Center to facilitate healthy parent and child relationships in a safe, culturally sensitive environment for families.

Our community builds change together

Collaborative community partnerships are key to the success of the FJC model. Partner agencies have flexible connections with the FJC, ranging from making referrals to coordinating programming to basing staff onsite at the FJC. We’re grateful to the many agencies that are already working with us at every level to serve survivors in Solano County.

Read the 2023 Strategic Planning Report to learn more about our community’s shared vision for the Family Justice Center in Solano County.

Does it work? Yes!

Family Justice Centers serve 30+ communities in the US and beyond. Documented outcomes include reduced homicides; increased survivor safety and empowerment; reduced fear and anxiety in survivors and their children; increased efficiency among service providers; and dramatically increased community support for services for survivors and families. The US Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women calls the Family Justice Center model a best practice in domestic violence intervention and prevention.

To learn more about partnering with us, please reach out to Center Director Reina Sandoval-Beverly reina@solanofamilyjustice.org. Thank you!

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