Message from the Executive Director

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Message from the Executive Director

Susun Kim stands next to a wall in a yellow jacket and black blouse and pants. She has her arms folded and she is smiling

Hello, Solano community.

It is my honor and privilege to lead the Family Justice Center Solano through its new phase. As executive director of the Contra Costa Family Justice Center for the past 9 years, I have collaborated with the Family Justice Center Solano and appreciate our partnership. The Family Justice Center Solano enjoys a rich history of collaboration and community support. In my new role leading the Family Justice Center Solano in addition to the 3 locations of the Contra Costa Family Justice Center, I am excited about building a regional vision and structure to support our clients and community with the resources they need. To do this, I know that we need everyone’s support. I also know what is possible if we all work together. 

Working in the Family Justice movement has taught me important life lessons. One lesson I want to share is that people are resilient, and they can change. Most of our clients are survivors of abuse who have lost their agency along the way. Yet, many of them make significant changes and get their agency and dignity back. At the Family Justice Center, our job is to provide a safe space for people to work through their challenges. While our clients need crucial services, such as mental health counseling and legal assistance, what they need first of all is to rebuild their own sense of agency. As their helpers, our role is to stay in listening fellowship with them through their journey, and support their healing process without judging or rushing them. I invite you to work with us to support the healing of survivors and make our community safer. Please come and learn at our training events, and visit our Center in Fairfield or here on our website. We are always looking for volunteers. We welcome your thoughts, ideas, and energy.

Susun Kim

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